Information Directly from Our Kitchen

McDonald’s is a phenomenon. Everybody knows it... as a customer :)

Positions at McDonald’s





Crew Trainer


Customer Care Leader


Managerial Positions


career loading...


There are a lot of us, but we make hamburgers the same way all around the world. You ask: how can this be?

This is because we have a perfect system for introductory training. This means that here you can start young or even old, or also without any experience.

At the start everybody undergoes Introductory Training. Its length differs depending on the type of employment relationship and comprises virtual reality lessons and personal training from an experienced trainer. Other shift colleagues, including the restaurant manager, will help.

Working Hours

  • You can plan shifts in a restaurant or remotely over the website.
  • Students plan shifts in accordance with their school timetable, parents can have free afternoons and we offer work also on part-time contracts.
  • There is no universal rule for planning shifts, if a person is interested in working, we always want to come to an agreement with them.


Full of Discounts
performance bonuses
to catering
Free drinks
during shift
Opportunity to be
a McDonald’s face
And that’s not all. Every restaurant offers additional benefits that can differ depending on the location or work position. We will be happy to present everything to you in a personal interview.

We speak our own language,
or our Vocabulary

Over the years, in order to ensure fast and effective communication, we have created a specific language that we speak at work among ourselves. See if you understand us now? Drag our unique Czech words to their meanings and confirm them.



We see you can already handle our language!

Good job!

We see you can almost understand our language!


You probably don't have your day today. Does not matter. Next time it will be better :)

The busiest period, a large quantity of customers and orders.
The operator of a restaurant based on a licence.
Automatic dispenser for fries.
A table on which sandwiches are garnished.
A machine for making ice cream and shakes.

What do we do when we aren’t cooking?

We talk 

in all situations

We won’t lie, we all have better and worse days. And situations that we can’t influence happen occasionally. At McD’s there is a great group that will bring a smile to your lips even on tougher days.

Follow us on YouTube

We help 

where it is needed

Do you know Ronald McDonald? And do you know that an Endowment Fund is named after him and has been helping families in the Czech Republic since 2002? And not only Ronald, we all try to get involved.

Where do we help?